Hey folks Brian here and just to say...sorry i have not been on this for like all my life i have been a busy boy lol.
Anyways this is our reference for our fourth wall gag. This was a Tex Avery inspiration where he would use technical difficulties for gags in his films. Mawkins Backfire has taken it a bit further by actually ripping all the paper into a hole. here is a video for our reference.
First we used a carboard box and placed it between two chairs to keep it stable then taped is down for more support.
Then we cut a hole in the area where the paper is gonna get sucked through. Then using sticky materials we dragged the paper throught the hole.
We took pictures and a video so when we animate it we can look at our reference for how to draw the natural looking paper and timing for the gag.
hope yas likes whats I is dids :D
cya soon